


- Bio Diesel Fuel from Vegetable Oil
Bio Diesel  - is a fuel made from vegetable oil

What is Biodiesel ?

- Biodiesel (mono alkyl ester) is a kind of diesel fuel made from natural, and renewable sources such as vegetable oils.
See how to make biodiesel from Vegeoil

Biodiesel is a liquid fuel and can be used in all diesel engines without any modifications from any kind.

Biodiesel is fully compatible with petroleum diesel, and can be used as a replacement fuel or like a blending component, or an additive to diesel.

The biodiesel energy can apply under the Energy Policy Act of 1992, placed to ensure US national energy security by replacing imported petroleum products using domestic alternative fuels.

Biodiesel Benefits -
  • Biodiesel is non-toxic and biodegradable
  • Biodiesel significantly reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions without reducing engine performance or efficiency.

  • Biodiesel can be made from 100% renewable and domestically produced sources. Helping to support the local farming communities.
  • Biodiesel produce better engine performance on engines without modifications
  • Stops dependence on fossil fuels
  • Biodiesel meet the ASTMD 6751 specifications.

  • Biodiesel Blends - Biodiesel can be blended in any concentration with petroleum based diesel from B100 (means 100% biodiesel) to B20 (20% biodiesel : 80% petroleum diesel). B20 is the most popular use and
  • Did you know that ? Biodiesel was adopted as mandatory from the US marine since last year.

  • Biodiesel Stations - Currently, many places are start selling biodiesel for vehicles, home heating, and for use in any other diesel engine powered equipment.

    Many fueling stations have 24 hour access to a fueling station and even express delivery going to you. They have storages from 2,000 gallons to 22,000 gallons to meet the largest fueling needs.

    FuelWerks - Maps to biodiesel fueling Stations
    Petroleum Diesel have toxic emissions - It is not a secret that Diesel engines burning standard petroleum fuels produce carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and other other toxic emissions dangerous to the human health, and the environment. Recently some researches found how the school bus emissions have negative effects on children

    Production and use of biodiesel results in a 78.5% reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

    Unlike petroleum diesel, biodiesel is a renewable energy source.

  • Biodiesel reduces engine wear by as much as one half.
  • The lubricity of biodiesel is far greater than petroleum diesel.
  • Your engine will run much quieter. History: The concept of using vegetable oil as a fuel dates back to 1895 when Dr. Rudolf Diesel developed the first diesel engine to run on vegetable oil. Diesel demonstrated his engine at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 using peanut oil as fuel.

    It can be stored anywhere that petroleum diesel fuel is stored.

    3. The lifecycle production and use of biodiesel produces approximately 80% less carbon dioxide emissions, and almost 100% less sulfur dioxide. Combustion of biodiesel alone provides over a 90% reduction in total unburned hydrocarbons, and a 75-90% reduction in aromatic hydrocarbons. Biodiesel further provides significant reductions in particulates and carbon monoxide than petroleum diesel fuel. Biodiesel provides a slight increase or decrease in nitrogen oxides depending on engine family and testing procedures. Based on Ames Mutagenicity tests, biodiesel provides a 90% reduction in cancer risks.

    4. Biodiesel is 11% oxygen by weight and contains no sulfur. The use of biodiesel can extend the life of diesel engines because it is more lubricating than petroleum diesel fuel, while fuel consumption, auto ignition, power output, and engine torque are relatively unaffected by biodiesel.

    5. Biodiesel is safe to handle and transport because it is as biodegradable as sugar, 10 times less toxic than table salt, and has a high flashpoint of about 300 F compared to petroleum diesel fuel, which has a flash point of 125 F.

    Biodiesel is a proven fuel with over 30 million successful US road miles, and over 20 years of use in Europe.

    When burned in a diesel engine, biodiesel replaces the exhaust odor of petroleum diesel with the pleasant smell of popcorn or french fries.

  • Difference Between Diesel and Biodiesel - Advantages and Disadvantages
    Energias Renovables Produccion de biodiesel TvAgro
    AFDC Energy - Alternative Fuels Data Center - Biodiesel Production and Distribution Schema
    Biodiesel Links and References
    Biodiesel - General Information
    National Bio-Diesel Board - Premier site for information on biodiesel, reports, and more links
    Bio-Diesel UK -
    egBurner - Fuelling diesel engines with vegetable oil
    How Biodiesel Works
    Why biodiesel ?
    Blog about biodiesel
    West Central Soy B100 (100% biodiesel)
    Green Car Congress
    City of Seattle Air Quality
    Puget Sound Clean Cities Coalition
    TDI Club
    NRDC - report on clean air, energy, and transportation

    EPA - Alternative Fuels facts

    Collaborative Biodiesel Tutorial - Visit Here First to learn about the basics of biodiesel
    Biodiesel Homebrewing Guide - Known by many as THE biodiesel homebrew guide
    InfoPop Biodiesel Forum - Forum for all things Biodiesel
  • Biodiesel Now - A great forum for general biodiesel information.
    Biodiesel - Yahoo Group
    Tacoma Biodiesel Co-op
    Biodiesel directory
    Adapting an engine to run on vegetable oil. - LPG conversion for a diesel engine dont make a whole lot of sense because LPG prices are rising also.

    Diesel Veg -
    AGPL Bio Diesel Fuel -
    Diesel conversion -
    LPG - Kits Diesel -
    LPG FAQ -
    LPG System -
    LPG -
    Bio Diesel
    Bio Power - A good site for finding your local W V O supplier and They have producers all over the UK.
  • Appleseed Biodiesel Reactor Open Source - - Complete plans for biodiesel homebrewing equipment, using off-the-shelf parts and a water heater, for less than $200 in materials. (PESWiki; May 7, 2005)
  • Tiny Reactor Boosts Biodiesel Production - - The device - about the size of a credit card - pumps vegetable oil and alcohol through tiny parallel channels, each smaller than a human hair, to convert the oil into biodiesel almost instantly. (PESN; Apr. 19, 2006)
    Breakthrough in Biodiesel Production - Japanese scientists have discovered a way to convert vegetable oil into biodiesel with a much less expensive catalyst than what is currently used. (Slashdot; Nov. 2005)
    The most destructive crop on earth is no solution to the energy crisis - - That the demand for biodiesel is going beyond recycling the fat from frying potatoes. To meet this demand, the crop being planted is palm trees, for which forests are being cut down.
    BioDiesel Association
    BioDiesel - The NBB is the national trade association representing the biodiesel industry as the coordinating body for research and development in the US. Membership is comprised of state, national, and international feedstock.
    How to make Biodiesel at Home in 5 Minutes! Biofuel From used Vegetable oil or Cooking Oil Discover Agriculture - In this video we will show you how to make Biodiesel at home in 5 Minutes!
    How to Make "Biodiesel"? Let’s find out! Diesel vs Biodiesel, Used Motor Oil, Vegetable Oil, MPG - Biodiesel vs diesel, used motor oil, diesel, and hydrodiesel. I bought a diesel engine for testing different alternative fuels.
    Biodiesel science technology and scientific name definition
    What Is Biodiesel? Straight Vegetable Oil vs Bio Diesel. - The Guys at Parley's Diesel Performance team up with Graydon Blair of Utah Biodiesel Supply to put a lot of common biodiesel
    Vegeoil Biodiesel 2024
    Loyola University Chicago students convert used vegetable oil into biodiesel fuel for school shuttle buses WLS-TV
    A Cap on Vegetable Oil-Based Fuels Will Stabilize and Strengthen California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard The Equation
    Japan Conducts Test of Biofuel Using Non-Chemical Treated Vegetable Oil The Maritime Executive
    Global vegetable oil prices stabilise Biofuels International Magazine